1st time ever having a celebrity as my friend. never though of giving my support last time when watching tv show. to me, its just a show for tv station to make their money. hahahaha! this is the 1st time giving my support as a friend to you, very precious de ah! just hope this tv series can be wellknown and as a topic of the town. i will push hard to tell all my friend to watch this tv series de lah. i will bless you and wish you all the best in your future celebrity career. SHINE like a star.
1st time ever having a celebrity as my friend. never though of giving my support last time when watching tv show. to me, its just a show for tv station to make their money. hahahaha!
this is the 1st time giving my support as a friend to you, very precious de ah! just hope this tv series can be wellknown and as a topic of the town. i will push hard to tell all my friend to watch this tv series de lah.
i will bless you and wish you all the best in your future celebrity career. SHINE like a star.
嗨,你還記得我嗎?我是那個在你們拍攝第6集,在centre point遇到的女孩…還有哦,上次我有告訴你們,我的生日就是這部戯上映的日期喲…不過你應該是不記得了,無論如何,希望這部戯收視率狂飆、爆燈!加油加油!
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